Grant Funding Vision
The Dr. Lyle F. Renodin Foundation will provide grants for programs and projects whose public charitable purposes are carried out in a manner consistent with the tradition of the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, NY. Requests for monies should show a connection to the mission of the Foundation to improve the quality of life of those who are experiencing poverty, homelessness, food insecurity, vulnerability and disabilities.
Applicants should also consider a connection to the Franciscan Sisters’ Chapter 2021 Directional Statement (click HERE), especially:
- Integral Ecology – how our role in ecology relates to restorative justice, affects creation and impels us to care for our Common Home.
- Interculturality – creating environments of peace and reconciliation, seeking meaningful ways of encountering those of other cultures and eliminating all forms of prejudice and discrimination.
- Defend All Created Life – promoting the dignity of every human person, with a preferential option for those who live in poverty or are on the margins and excluded from society.
For more information on Catholic Social Teaching, click HERE.
Projects that show sustainability to live on long after the award period will be given strong consideration. The Foundation does not want to discourage administrators from applying for funds, however, it should be known that requests may be declined or funded at a much lower level if organizations have already received multiple grants from the the Renodin Foundation.
Priority Criteria:
- Basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, hygiene supplies)
- Youth enrichment, care and education
- Assistance for older adults and individuals with disabilities
- Franciscan Sisters of Allegany’s three key Directional Statements (listed above)
Type of Support Provided by the Foundation:
The board of directors prioritizes support for basic human needs but also encourages program support for improving the quality of life those who are in need due to poverty, homelessness, food insecurity, injustice, disabilities and vulnerability.
Examples of funding support in the past have included, but are not limited to:
- Hygiene items
- Emergency housing and household items
- Locally grown produce and nutrition education
- Food in backpacks for students after school, weekends and holidays
- Food pantry supplies and food baskets for families
- Youth camp and enrichment activities, tuition assistance, child care & school supplies
- Wheelchair ramps for those in need due to age, ability and lack of resources
- Community meal programs
- Gas cards for medical appointments, employment search, volunteer drivers
- Infant needs (cribs, diapers, supplies, clothing, car seats)
- New home start-up (appliances/furniture, cleaning supplies, cookware)
- Pastoral Care (sacred texts, prayer aids, grief support)
- Employment assistance
Type of Support Not Funded:
- General operating support for the organization (utilities, rent, personnel, etc.)
- Stipends, travel costs, lodging expenses, training, mileage and speaker fees
- Capital improvements (building, housing, renovation, construction expenses, etc.)
- Technology upgrades (software, website design/hosting, associated training)
- Equipment, unless it is critical to the work of the organization, e.g. a refrigerator for a food pantry
Eligibility Requirements:
- Not for profit organizations who possess a 501(c)(3) classification.
- Programs must serve people in the Allegany/Cattaraugus Counties of New York and McKean County of Pennsylvania.
Application Process:
Applicants should complete an application online through the online grant form. Recommendantion: answer the questions in a Word document first, then copy and paste into the online fields.
*New applicants must provide a copy of your organization’s 501(c)(3) IRS determination letter.
Grant Periods and Deadlines
- The Foundation board of directors will review grants twice a year, in September and March.
- Organizations are only eligible to receive ONE grant per year (period of April 1 – March 31).
- Fall Grant Cycle
- Fall Grant Deadline: August 1
- Funding Announcement: October (checks issued)
- Funding Reports Due: July 1
- Spring Grant Cycle
- Spring Grant Deadline: February 1
- Funding Announcement: April (checks issued)
- Funding Reports Due: January 1
The required method of receiving grant requests is via our online application. All other correspondence should be mailed or delivered to:
The Dr. Lyle F. Renodin Foundation
Franciscan Sisters of Allegany
115 East Main Street
Allegany, NY 14706
Still have questions? Contact Us